8th Masterclass of Genito-Urethral Reconstructive Surgery 2014, United Kingdom, 3-6 November 2014
Event: 8th Masterclass of Genito-Urethral Reconstructive Surgery 2014 Date: 3-6 November 2014 Venue:
Event: 8th Masterclass of Genito-Urethral Reconstructive Surgery 2014 Date: 3-6 November 2014 Venue:
Abstract submission form download link: Abstract-Form (1) Abstract submission form download link: Abstract-Form (1)
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: Macau Urological Association
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: Sacral Neuromodulation
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: 5th Symposium on Hormonal
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: 34th Congress
香港泌尿外科學會 香港大學深圳醫院考察及學術交流日 2014 出發日期: 23/8/2014 集合地點: 落馬洲福田口岸 集合時間: 0830 (逾時不候) 只限會員參加 名額有限, 報名從速, 先到先得, 費用全免 請參與下方之資訊. 請填妥報名表後, 寄往或電郵至下方圖片中的資訊.
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: 32nd World Congress
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: IRCAD Advanced Course
Dear members, This is to announce the captioned CME grant to all HKUA members. Event: 11th East