HKGS/HKUA Workshop on Frailty and USG Assessment in Older Adults with LUTS

Dear all HKUA members,

You are cordially invited to join a workshop “HKGS/HKUA Workshop on Frailty and USG Assessment in Older Adults with LUTS” on 15 July 2023. It is co-organized by Hong Kong Geriatrics Society and Hong Kong Urological Association, and sponsored by Astellas Pharma. Enclosed please find an event poster for your reference.

The workshop details as following:

Date:   15 July 2023 (Saturday)

Time:   13:15 to 17:00

Speakers: Dr. Lau Chi Cheung Michael, Dr Lo Ting Kit and Dr Chow Henry

For registration, please click on the link here: to register or scan the QR code at the attached agenda by Friday, July 14.

Registration is on a first come first served basis.

Confirmation email will be sent upon successful registration.

Should you have any enquiry, please contact for assistance.

Thank you.

Best regards,



Jul 15 2023


3:15 pm - 5:00 pm
QR Code