Seeking support to act as Event Ambassador in Hong Kong (Prostate Cancer World Congress 2015)

This message contains 2 documents

Request for Travel Grant from PCWC 2015

PCWC2015 A5 Flier – Promotional


We are writing to you as the Convenors of the Prostate Cancer World Congress to be held in Cairns, Australia from 17- 21 August 2015. This Prostate Cancer World Congress is the world’s largest comprehensive meeting in the discipline.

Australian Prostate Cancer Research is proud to present the 2nd edition of this meeting. In August 2015, World Leaders will meet in Australia, bringing their depth of knowledge and experience to discuss all facets of prostate cancer management, treatment and scientific advancement.

The program will include streams in Clinical Urology, Translational Science, Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer Management (Nursing & Allied Health) and General Practice and ensure the most contemporary information and research-validated findings are presented. There will also be number of end-user oriented Masterclasses, as well as Breakfast Sessions and Satellite Symposia in association with our industry partners.

The international faculty confirmed to date includes: 

  • Dr Rob Bristow, Ontario Cancer Institute and Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada
  • Prof Steven Balk, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, US
  • Dr James Borin, Director of Robotic Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine, US
  • Dr William Catalona, North Western University Feinberg School of Medicine, US
  • Mr Benjamin Challacombe, Urologist, Guy’s Hospital, United Kingdom
  • Prof Jelle Barentsz, Professor of Radiology, Radboud University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
  • Dr Antonio Finelli Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada
  • Dr Laurence Klotz Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada
  • Dr Stacy Loeb, A/ Prof of Urology and Population Health, New York University, US
  • Dr Christian Nelson, Clinical Psychologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, US
  • Dr Alan Partin, Johns Hopkins, US
  • Dr Vipul Patel, Global Robotics Institute, Celebration Hospital, Florida, US
  • A/Prof Monique Roobol, Erasmus University Medical Centre, Department of Urology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Prof Charles Ryan UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, US
  • Dr Oliver Sartor Tulane University School of Medicine, US
  • Dr Jay Smith, Vanderbilt, US
  • Dr Samir Taneja, Director of Urologic Oncology, NYU Cancer Institute, US
  • Prof Patrick Walsh, Urological Institute Johns Hopkins Hospital, US


We welcome abstract submissions from your Country for both poster and oral presentations. All accepted abstracts will be published in the British Journal of Urology International.


We would greatly appreciate your cooperation and support to promote the 2015 Prostate Cancer World Congress in your Country through your organisation and business networks.


We are writing to invite you to join us as our official Event Ambassador in your country. 


As our official Event Ambassador we will:

  1. Recognise your Association as the official Event Ambassador in your Country on our website
  2. We will give you one Travel Grant (to the value of $1000 AUD) that you can promote to your membership.


In return we would like your support to:

  1. Promote the call for abstract submissions to your Association Members – applications now open can be made via our website
  2. Promote the Travels Grants application advertisement to your Association members – application attached and available via our website
  3. Encourage a contingent of your Association to attend the Congress, in Cairns, Australia in 2015


Event Ambassadors that secures over 5 registered delegates from their country will also receive one complimentary registration to attend the event including one ticket to the Congress Dinner in the Australian Rainforest.  Please ensure they note your association name when registering.

Should you be willing to be our official Event Ambassador in your country please contact our Congress Organisers at  and they can supply you with any additional material you require to market to your network. I have attached the electronic flyer for the meeting.

In addition to the educational meeting there are some amazing tourist attractions close by that will make it a memorable trip to Australia (Great Barrier Reef, Crocodile Park). We have attached the link to the promotional video for you to see.

Prostate cancer continues to be a topic of great debate within the world community, both in medical circles and of course for the many men diagnosed. We are witnessing treatment advances and new research findings at a rate never before seen and 2015 will be a pivotal year in uncovering improved care protocols and in particular a greater understanding of advanced prostate cancer management.

We look forward to your cooperation and partnership to promote this important education. We welcome you and your Country to Cairns!

Yours sincerely,


Prof Tony Costello


Director Urology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria

Director, Australian Prostate Cancer Research

President, Prostate Cancer World Congress 2015, Cairns Australia

Ass/Prof Declan Murphy

Urologist and Director of Robotic Surgery, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victoria

Co Convenor Clinical Urology, Prostate Cancer World Congress 2105, Cairns Australia


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前列腺癌個案年創新高 誰應接受篩查?

▲趙家鋒醫生-香港中文大學醫學院, 泌尿外科副教授 根據醫管局最新公布的癌症統計數字,本港2019年前列腺癌新症個案達2532宗,位列男性常見癌症第三位,較2009年的1484宗,升幅達七成,是各癌症之中升幅最快的。 本港約26% 前列腺癌患者在確診時已屆晚期,屬無法根治的轉移性前列腺癌,而歐美僅約10-15%。那麼,我們應該怎樣去檢測前列腺癌?重點是需要一個有系統的篩查方法,在避免過度診斷的同時,亦能揪出早期及具有風險的前列腺癌,提升根治的機會。 前列腺特異抗原(Prostate Specific Antigen, PSA) 這是一項血液測試,乃前列腺癌篩查的第一步,自90年代沿用至今。PSA值高於4ng/ml 為高於正常,以往的病人一律被建議作入侵性的前列腺穿刺活檢(抽針),惟他們當中有75-85%最終證實沒有患上前列腺癌。事實上,PSA 值可以因良性前列腺增生或尿道炎等原因而高於正常,不一定是前列腺癌。男士接受抽針檢查須承受相關併發症風險,包括出血、發炎和短期排尿困難等。所以,PSA只是診斷前列腺癌的第一步,若高於正常,就要進行下一步的血液、尿液、或影像診斷以評估抽針檢查的需要。 前列腺健康指數(Prostate Health Index, PHI) PHI是一項血液測試,以評估PSA值高的男士中患上前列腺癌的機率。PHI 評分越高,風險越高。若PHI值小於35,患上前列腺癌的風險較低(3-7%),建議繼續監測PSA的趨勢;若PHI在35或以上,患上前列腺癌的風險較高(約25-40%),建議接受磁力共振掃描(MRI)及/或前列腺抽針檢查。 PHI測試已於2016年引進醫管局,提供予PSA 4-20ng/dL的男士。恰當使用PHI可有效減少七至八成PSA高的男士進行不必要的抽針檢查,減少病人的風險,並將資源集中於高風險(PHI值高)的男士。 尿精胺檢測(Urine spermine test) 這是一種嶄新的無創前列腺癌檢測方法,由香港中文大學及浸會大學以在香港的男士為對象研發,只需收集20至30毫升的尿液便可檢測出尿精胺水平,結合直腸指檢結果、PSA水平及前列腺體積,得出「精胺風險評分」,可更準確評估前列腺癌的風險。利用這尿精胺檢測可以避免部分男士接受不必要的抽針檢查,惟這項檢測暫時並非公立醫院的恆常檢測。 磁力共振掃描(MRI) 昔日大多利用超聲波引導進行前列腺抽針檢查,惟超聲波並不能有效分辨良性前列腺增生或前列腺癌,這樣的抽針缺乏針對性,且隨機式的抽針有機會遺漏了癌症。目前泌尿外科醫生可利用磁力共振-超聲波融合導航定位,找出前列腺中疑似有腫瘤的位置,大大提高命中率。 前列腺抽針:經直腸vs經會陰? 傳統前列腺抽針檢查會將超聲波探頭放進直腸並掃描前列腺,然後利用細針穿刺作檢驗,惟直腸內的細菌有機會在檢查過程中進入血液而引起嚴重的感染,發生率約百分之三。目前大部分前列腺抽針檢查已改為經會陰皮膚穿刺,細針毋須接觸糞便,大大減低感染風險至千分之三。 總括而言,醫學界一直致力尋找更精準可靠和非入侵性的前列腺癌篩查方法,避免因過度診斷和過度治療及由此引起的種種副作用。另一方面,前列腺癌的治療在過去十年也出現長足的進步,無論微創手術方式和放射治療技術都大大改善,寄語男士們不要因為害怕治療而逃避接受前列腺癌篩查。 誰該驗PSA? 香港泌尿外科學會建議的PSA篩檢:

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